
Showing posts from September, 2019

Matches are made in heaven. (Short Story)

The sun was still shining and the birds were singing, Sansala was reading a book in her garden. Just as she was reading the book, the phone rang out. Yes, it was an unknown number, she answered the phone. “Hello…….” Sansala said. “Hello….. Can I speak to Miss.Sansala please?” it was a male’s voice. Sansala was silent for some times. “Yes this is Sansala speaking, who you are?” she asked. “I am Roshan here, you may not know me, but I know you.” He said to her. It was a wonderful thing. Sansala was wondering for some times. “Okay…. Mr. Roshan what you want from me?” she asked him kindly. “I want to meet you. If you don’t mind can I come to your home?” he asked her. “Well, may I know the purpose Mr. Roshan?” she asked. “It is an important matter Sansala. That is why I want to meet you” “Mmm…. Okay….. You can come tomorrow morning, I will be at home” she said.   “Thank you Sansala….” And he dropped the phone. Sansala wondered who Roshan